In a map, Souadi starts to put a line with a string that starts from Morocco and arrives in Spain: it is the path of her life. She used a map, color, pictures, strings and stickers to tell her story.
A post-it describes her education, since the years at school until the degree in law. And then, some words about her marriage and her son. A star represents the beginning of a new life in Spain. In the end, a picture of students at the last day at school that represent her dream: a better future for her son after graduation, in Europe.
Souadi told her story during the last one workshop of Artem that took place during the last week of February in Barcelona.
A group of migrants together with volunteers from the local community carried on different workshops about interculturality and integration.
As Souadi, all the participants had developed their own maps and everyone shared it with the group.
Storytelling is a powerful tool to explain a path-life and understand better what kind of role they have in the society, in their family, in a group of friends, at work or at school or university.
A map allows to understand the past, the present and the future of their story.
Moreover, the goal of this workshop is to make easier communication with local community and to break the stereotypes about migrants and to promote their values and interaction in the host community.
Volunteers of the local community and professional workers from Asociación Mundus and Fundació Benallar have identified the needs of migrants and during all the workshop they worked together on:
- certain abilities, such as patience and open attitude;
- practical skills, like communication and the ability to build a relationship of trust;
- opportunities to create employments for migrants based on reciprocal exchanges of non-market services.
Artem’s workshops are a possible answer to these needs.
For the migrants the main needs are the ability to reflect on their own position and own values and also having the ability of being flexible and taking in part of the hosting cultural codes, to have motivation and develop communication skills.
ARTEM It is a long-term strategic project whose main objective is the development of an interactive space between people born in Europe and migrants to create employment based on a dynamic mutual process.
The project has started in 2018 and it will finish in September of this year. The next step, aims to develop a multilingual platform for bringing together all the products of the projects and allowing the exchange of services in the countries of Artem’s partners.
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