International Erasmus+ project Youth Workers Mobility “Dare to Care” Youth violence is a global public health problem that ranges from bullying and physical fighting to more severe sexual and physical assault and even homicide. Effective prevention of violence among adolescents and young adults is a key strategy for reducing the rates of bullying, gender-based violence and school dropout, and empowering social inclusion.
During the training course “Dare to care” coordinated by Marta Center these were the objectives we developed:
– Reduce violence-supportive attitudes by working directly with young girls and boys (ages 13-18) and by changing underlying harmful social norms and gender stereotypes that drive gender inequality and violence towards and among children and youth;
– Through conducting training of Youth Group methodology, provide needed knowledge to educational and support staff in schools and youth centers to recognize and stop violence among and towards youth (ages 13-18);
– Through further local activities and international cooperation within and after this project, take part in achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 – achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; SDG 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, and SDG 16, which aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies.
The participants of this course were 18 youth workers, educators, trainers, social workers, mentors, and other professionals working with teenagers and youth.
This Training course was possible because of the participation of different project partners around Europe: Association MUNDUS (Spain), The Future Now (Bulgaria), Dinamika Centre Association (Bulgaria), Beyond What they Sell (Italy), Faal Derneği (Turkey) EduCab (Romania).
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