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On June 30, the multiplier event of the ID PRO project took place in Zaragoza at the Joaquín Roncal center, where they reflected on the challenges and opportunities that exist to carry out more inclusive and diverse mobilities, in both a national and international context.

The ID PRO project manual was presented to the public, and a debate took place on inclusion and diversity with the participation of José María Usón, director of the Federico Ozanam Foundation; Fernando Latorre, head of the University Office for Attention to Diversity (OUAD); Patricia Gascón, head of the Department of Sociocultural Activities and Volunteering at the DFA Foundation, and Ainhoa ​​de la Cruz, head of the Social Inclusion Area of ​​the San Viator Center; 4 entities that work with people and groups with diverse needs.

They discussed the tangible need to create protocols not only in the framework of mobility but also on a day to day basis in the communication between entities, both at an immediate and inter-institutional level.

The current existing  opportunity was also highlighted in response to community policies in which people living in remote areas, people with economic difficulties and people with fewer opportunities for reasons of migration or disability are the focus of the resources that have been launched within the current planning.

There was a brief presentation of the work that has been done till now in the project. From entities that work with migrants, people with mobility problems, people with disabilities and special needs, the topics of training and labor inclusion, integration and accessibility for everybody were discussed. Mobility was approached as a complex cultural experience, reflecting on competition among equals and individualism against the power of community change.

Since youth, taboos and self-imposed barriers seem to weigh down the projects and illusions of potential participants, often from their own environments, due to ignorance or fear.

Aragón, Navarra or the Basque Country have centers interested in the comprehensive development of their students, incorporating the possibilities that Erasmus + entails.

Thank you to all the entities involved in this event, for sharing their inputs and experiences aquired during their years of work in the field.