Europe for VET + 2

Overall, the project's main objectives were to address skill shortages among mentors and tutors within companies who are responsible for overseeing and guiding trainees during their traineeship period, produce valuable outcomes for participating organizations, and foster an extended network of partners in the VET sector. By doing so, we aimed to enhance the quality of mentorship, support the professional development of mentors, and ultimately contribute to the overall success of traineeships in various industries.

The Project

Web Site

Project number
Type of project
Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Time period


Over the past decades, social entrepreneurship has emerged globally as an innovative economic actor combining positive social impact with entrepreneurial spirit at the service of common good. While addressing social, environmental or societal issues, social enterprises also enable the improvement of the inclusiveness of the labour market by creating new job opportunities and encouraging participation of different stakeholders in the decision making process.

The success and impact of various social enterprises and the increasing interest in such initiatives worldwide encourage institutions such as the European Commission to promote and support social entrepreneurship development.

However, despite its growing policy attractiveness, the lack of knowledge and awareness about social entrepreneurship and its benefits among youth, and the lack of existing support for developing specific competences, are the first obstacles in the development of social entrepreneurship among youth in the world.


Develop the skills of youth workers & educators , particularly in social entrepreneurship education and for supporting young people online, including disadvataged young people.

Develop the ICT skills of youth workers by training in the use of Moodle, a free software learning platform, to create online training and modernize their working methods.

Develop and recognize the pedagogical, civic, technical (including ICT) and entrepreneurial skills of youth entrepreneurship club members (including disadvantaged young people) in order to facilitate their integration into the labour market through social entrepreneurship, and encourage their initiatives.

Develop and promote the virtual club of youth entrepreneurs with services tailored to young people of different abilities, and contribute to the promotion and education of social entrepreneurship among young people.

Continue to facilitate access to mobility and non-formal learning activities for young people with fewer opportunities to improve their skills, facilitate their social inclusion and their active participation in society.

Develop cooperation between youth organizations, education and training institutions, representatives of the business world and the labor market (including entrepreneurs) and decision-makers to improve their synergies and complementarities in the training and support of young people in order to facilitate their insertion in the labor market and in society.


"The Compendium: Recommendations and Good Practices"

  • A valuable resource designed specifically for companies hosting international vocational trainees as part of the Erasmus+ program.
  • This comprehensive guide provides essential guidance and practical tips to trainers responsible for overseeing the trainees' development and progress.

Specialized training course for mentors working in Erasmus+ hosting organizations

Because these mentors play a crucial role in monitoring and supporting VET trainees during their professional practice, this training course equips mentors with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively guide and mentor the trainees throughout their placement.

Consult the results in 4 languages.


Sun Dreams Global
Istituto per la Formazione, l'Occupazione e la Mobilità
Lotnicze Zakłady Naukowe
Zespół Szkół Technicznych
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