In addition to these three major tools, the project includes:
GOPY is a 32-month project based on cross-border mobility and cooperation between different subjects on either side of the Pyrenees. It aims to generate a network of actors and an innovative digital platform that promotes access to various opportunities for young people throughout the territory: professional practices, employment, volunteering and training. The aim is to contribute to the strengthening of skills and employment in the POCTEFA area, promoting mobility for educational purposes. GOPY is a project financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The Project
GOPY / Generator of Mobility Opportunities in the Pyrenees
Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra (POCTEFA 2014-2020)
65% co-funded by The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
2019 - 2022
The GOPY project is part of the European cross-border cooperation programme INTERREG VA Spain-France-Andorra (POCTEFA) 2014-2020, created to promote the sustainable development of the border territory of Spain, France and Andorra. Its main objective is the economic strengthening and social integration of the regions on both sides of the Pyrenees.
In general terms, the aim of the project is to eliminate the obstacles to mobility
between the participating regions, while facilitating the integration of young people into the labour market at local level. In this sense, GOPY seeks to satisfy the training and support needs, to identify and combine mobility opportunities for young people and to promote accessibility and cooperation between the organizations involved.
The target group of this project is young people, between 16 and 30 years old, without any exclusive criteria based on resources or academic qualifications. On the contrary, the project seeks to include as many young people as possible who can benefit personally and professionally from an international mobility experience.
The project has been co-financed at 65% by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra programme (POCTEFA 2014-2020)
GOPY is based on the same premises as its predecessor TRAMPOLINE: to promote the mobility and employability of young people on both sides of the Pyrenean border. In this sense, the project values mobility with an educational purpose (formal or non-formal) as a powerful tool for training and qualification. International mobility for training or employment is structuring in terms of labour and social integration, and benefits both young people seeking to develop their skills and students who want to contribute an extra to their institutional education. However, while mobility has been widely pursued at European level, it has not so far been a priority at cross-border level.
Young people from our territories will travel to the four corners of Europe for a semester of study, a traineeship or a voluntary service.
The potential offered by cross-border cooperation has a much greater impact in terms of training: proximity allows high-quality operational collaboration between educational organisations, the cost of access to mobility is not a barrier because transport is no longer an obstacle, the areas proposed are absolutely complete and varied (space brings together all industrial areas) With all these integrated elements it is easier to help young people in their professional development and personal growth.
On the other hand, companies must show their interest in welcoming young people from the other side of the border. GOPY proposes this through the creation of a cross-border mobility service based on a network of actors and an innovative digital platform that collects a database of cross-border mobility offers accessible to young people in the territory.
Project activities
The most important activity of the project is the creation and development of three working platforms for cross-border mobility: