SHINE is a Capacity Building project funded by the EU Commission that seeks to drive the green transition and enhance energy access in Africa. A European-African consortium, involving VET providers and stakeholders from education, industry, and policy makers, is collaboratively redesigning a market-oriented VET program focused on solar panel technology.

The Project

SHINE logo with blue tagline
SHINE - Solar Hands-on training and International Network of Exchange
Project number
101129202 ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET
Type of project
Capacity Building
Time period
2024 - 2026


Data sheet





Key aspects of the project

International Consortium Building

Foster a strong European-African partnership through community building efforts.

Needs Analysis

Conduct in-depth research and analysis to align market demands with current training offerings.

Capacity Building for Technicians

Provide customized training programs to enhance the skills of technicians through a ‘train the trainers’ approach.

Co-Creation of VET Program: Test, asses, improve

a)Pilot the program with learners to ensure effectiveness.

b)Conduct detailed assessments and reporting for further further improvement and dissemination


The partnership between the African Union and the European Commission aims to address the challenges of climate change, environmental degradation, and energy access in Africa. Initiatives like the African Renewable Energy Initiative and the Africa Clean Energy Corridor focus on promoting renewable energy sources like solar power for sustainable development and energy security.

Countries like Ghana, Nigeria, and Uganda are actively implementing solar energy projects to increase electricity access and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Additionally, programs such as the AU-EU Skills for Youth Employment Program and the TVET Continental Strategy are in place to support youth employment and green skills development in Africa.

Our solution

The SHINE program is proposed as a solution to address the lack of technical profiles in Africa by providing skills training for the future job market, specifically focusing on green jobs. The program aims to empower trainers to equip learners with the necessary skills and knowledge for success in evolving industries. By developing a vocational training curriculum on solar panel technology and micro-enterprises, capacity building of VET providers, and creating partnerships with industry stakeholders, SHINE aims to support the Twin Transitions (Green and Digital) and enhance cooperation between private and public stakeholders in vocational education and training.


Implementing the SHINE project is expected to contribute to the development of a skilled workforce capable of supporting the green transition and energy access goals in Africa. By providing targeted training in green skills and technologies, the project can create employment opportunities in the renewable energy sector and contribute to sustainable economic growth. Furthermore, by aligning with the objectives of the European Green Deal and the Europe-Africa strategic partnership, SHINE has the potential to foster international cooperation and knowledge exchange for advancing vocational education and training in alignment with local, regional, and national development strategies.


The main objective is to deliver an innovative capacity building program in Solar Training in Africa.

The specific objectives include:

To strengthen the evidence-base around green skills in the solar industry in Africa
To develop a hybrid capacity building program
To redesign and pilot Solar Panel technology program
To promote the employability and self- employment of learners
To encourage long- lasting international partnerships


This is how SHINE IS going to create an impactful, meaningful and replicable VET program:

Phase No.1

01. Research

Analyzing the skills mismatch in supply and demand through a market analysis and training offer analysis

Phase No.2

02. Capacity Building

Design of a multi-competence programme with 3 dimensions in mind: entrepreneurship, digitalization and internationalization

Phase No.3

03. Curricula Development

Co-creation, redesign and pilot of the Solar VET program for learners and creation of tools to assess impact and evaluate scalability


SHINE consortiums is formed by 10 organizations from 6 different countries, all linked to the fields of Training
provider, Green jobs, Renewable energies and Solar Panel technology training and youth employment.

Spain - Coordinating entity
Zubigune Fundazioa
INCLUDE Knowledge Platform
The Netherlands
JOBITECH - John Bosco Institute of Technology
Pan-Atlantic University
KIRYANDONGO Technical Institute
Huys Link Community Initiative (HUYSLINCI)

This is SHINE

A Europe – Africa strategic partnership formed by 10 organizations from 6 different countries working and contributing to the green transition by enhancing energy access in Africa.

The Netherlands
The support of the European Commission for the preparation of this publication does not imply acceptance of its contents, which is the sole responsibility of the authors. Therefore, the Commission is not responsible for the use that may be made of the information published here.

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