Skilling Eco-VET

Skilling Eco-VET is a 3-years project funded by the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture, whose activities are carried out by four European partners and five partners from the African continent. It is based on the dual objective of simultaneously improving the education system and making the transition to a greener economy.

The Project

Skilling Eco-VET / Enhance enabled environments for private and public VET key actors in Ghana and Senegal
Project number
ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CB - 101092440
Type of project
Capacity building in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Time period
2023 - 2025



In the past decade, Ghana and Senegal have both experienced economic growth rates that are much higher than the regional average (Ghana's HDI value for 2019 is 0.611 positioning it at 138 out of 189 countries and territories; Senegal’s HDI value for 2019 is 0.512 positioning it at 168 out of 189 countries and territories). Though their economies are modernizing and diversifying, agriculture remains the backbone of both economies, especially in rural areas.

Both countries have made great strides in providing basic education for their populations. The World Bank statistics show that Ghana had a primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group) of 93.81 % in 2020, whereas Senegal had a PCR of 61% in 2020.

Nonetheless, both countries have large youth populations (Ghana, with approximately 57% and Senegal, with approximately 60% of the population under the age of 25), for which there are not enough pathways to further educational opportunities. According to the World Bank, the gross secondary school enrollment rate was 75% in Ghana and was 46% in Senegal in 2020. Tertiary enrollment (gross rates) remains low in both countries: 19% in Ghana (in 2020) and 13% in Senegal (in 2020).


Build-up permanent management and coordination mechanisms for the project to ensure a smooth implementation of the technical activities.

Sets out the strategic framework of all interventions related to capacity development/transfer of technical competences underpinning and enabling underpins all other deliverables.

Improve the knowledge, technical, managerial capacities and pedagogical skills of VET providers

Increase employability supporting a stronger alignment of VET to emerging local labour market opportunities.

Increase the technical, managerial capacity and pedagogical skills of VET providers especially in the fields of management, quality assurance, innovation and inclusion.

Mainstream enhanced competences and skills acquired into improved employable-oriented services and provisions delivered by VET multi-actor clusters.

Raise visibility and understanding on the project through the dissemination and exploitation of its tasks and deliverables.

Attract interest and improve the perception of VET as a meaningful choice for employability and career development.



Quality VET services and provisions: Improve the level of competences, skills and employability potential of VET learners and mainstream them into quality integrated employable oriented VET services, delivered by empowered VET-Business clusters

Development of Training Modules and Materials that will:
    • Improve the knowledge, technical, managerial and pedagogical skills of VET teachers and trainers
    • Upgrade the capacities of VET providers especially in the fields of quality assurance, innovation and inclusion 
    • Increase employability supporting a stronger alignment of VET to emerging local labour market opportunities

Project activities

Trainings on “Greening VET“

Trainings on VET-business partnerships / work transition

Trainings on employable oriented opportunities

Trainings for EU-African VET providers

Additional information


Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo
Don Bosco Tech Africa
Ussein University
Business Resource Centre
Don Bosco Youth Network
Luovi Vocational
Centro Nationale Opere Salesiane - CNOS-FAP
The support of the European Commission for the preparation of this publication does not imply acceptance of its contents, which is the sole responsibility of the authors. Therefore, the Commission is not responsible for the use that may be made of the information published here.

