The VET Learner Journey project was created thanks to the will and the firm conviction of the partners about the fact that an improvement in the interrelation between the learning mobility experiences and the FP study plans is very desirable and necessary. In the countries involved in the project, the VET curriculum includes in the objectives the achievement of the key competences recommended by the European Parliament and the Council in 2006. These key competences are highly requested to improve the civic competence and entrepreneurship of the students. However, most of the time, they remain in the shade on topics such as geography, history, etc. and it is only carried out through transnational mobility projects of the students. For this reason, these types of activities continue to be perceived by students as “extraordinary”, and not necessarily linked to the content of the teaching program.
VET Learner Journey
The VET Learner Journey is a strategic project funded by the Erasmus + program by the European Commission whose main objective is to improve the interrelation between learning mobility experiences and VET curricula, through the exchange of good practices between partners and the creation of an interactive tool. This project, which will be developed between 2018 and 2021, is coordinated by the Italian organization UNISER. Apart from Asociacion Mundus also Puig Castellar Institute of Santa Coloma de Gramenet is a partner. Staff training in Lyon (March 2019).
The Project
This project, therefore, aims to improve the integration of mobility curricula in VET for a more effective provision of key competences, civic competences and entrepreneurship. This is carried out with the exchange of good practices and a reflection on how the educational outcomes focused on these learning activities can be in the three phases that characterize the mobility of learning (preparation, implementation, monitoring).
It is thought that better integration amplifies the impact of experiences abroad and makes them more coherent with the content of VET courses. The partners are not only combining good practices, but they are also developing and testing the prototype “FP apprenticeship trip”, a gamification-based teaching methodology that puts the participants in a composite interactive learning path for a series of educational challenges that will accompany him / her through the three different phases of the mobility project.
Objectives of the project
The "VET Learner Journey" project aims to improve the interrelation between learning mobility experiences and VT curricula, through the exchange of good practices between partners and the creation of an interactive tool characterized by a series of educational challenges that will accompany the participants through the three different phases of the mobility project.
Asociación Mundus, as a partner in charge of Quality Management, has issued a Quality Management Plan that contains a methodology and useful tools to evaluate the goal of the project’s success during its implementation.
Specifically, the objectives of the project are:
Exchange good practices in the most effective possible way to make the international mobility integrated into the academic curriculum of vocational training studies.
Strengthen the capacity of the VET studies curriculum combined with mobility projects to teach key competences, citizenship skills and entrepreneurship.
Raise awareness among Vocational Training providers and the intermediary organizations about new methodologies that put students at the center of the learning process.
Improve the (self) assessment of the impact of mobility through the use of innovative techniques.
The project includes five transnational meetings and three joint events of staff recruitment. Until now, the first transnational meeting was held in Zaragoza (Spain) and the first Joing staff training event in Lyon (France).