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Rise in Quality focuses on supporting the development of new knowledge and competencies of youth workers and is contributing to quality and innovation in youth work. The quality and innovation in the field starts with recognising the support organisations needs, to then establish programmes suitable for international volunteers.

International volunteers are expecting a personal growth during their experience and in order to best facilitate this growth, organisations need to be equipped with tools that are practical and simple to implement. Rise in Quality recognises the existing  limitations due to a lack of finance, staff, time for educations/workshops, or lacking best practices for supporting volunteers. But organitations are not willing to compromise the quality of support they provide.

For that reason, this project aims to:

  • Strengthen organisations’ capacity to support international volunteers
  • Improve support for hosting international volunteers
  • Ease the stress of volunteer management
  • Increase solidarity throughout partner organisations and all hosting organizations
  • Promote active citizenship and volunteering

Two tools have been developed, that all organisations working with international volunteers can use.

Last week Mundus organized a local dissemination event promoting the Rise In Quality project. The objetive of this project is to exchange good practices in the field of ESC – European Solidarity Corps.

Iva Perković, the Mundus coordinator of the project, presented the work that all the partners have done during these months.

During this local event, that was held in Sos del Rey Católico (Spain) both tools were presented and explained for the general public and for some youth workers that work in this field.

This project has been implemented in partnership with Pistes Solidaires from France, Replay Network from Italy and Association for promotion of IT, culture and coexistence from Croatia.Through the platform and the guidebook for coordinating international volunteers, we created ready to use tools looking to raise the quality of volunteer support throughout Europe.