On 12 and 13 March the training course of the project European Youth at the Frontlines of Active Citizenship: A Roadmap towards a collective "South-North-East-West" Momentum was held in Zaragoza.
European Youth at the Frontlines of Active Citizenship: A Roadmap towards a collective “South-North-East-West” Momentum, a project within Key Action 3 of the Erasmus + programme to encourage participation and empowerment of young people in more disadvantaged areas, launches in Skopje (Macedonia). The end goal is to investigate together with these young people innovative ways towards active participation in democratic processes in Europe.
Due to the global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 the project had to adapt the TC, which was initially going to be held in Macedonia for a longer period of time, to the new time and characteristics that were given in Zaragoza.
The participants: Dídac, Elena, Daniel, Laia and Lídia enjoyed the training as much as possible. Asier and Ana, although they could not stay as long as they would have liked, adapted the training and the content to the online format, which is allowing them to develop the project online, but with the same desire and motivation as at the beginning.
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