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European Youth at the Frontlines of Active Citizenship: A Roadmap towards a collective “South-North-East-West” Momentum, a project within Key Action 3 of the Erasmus + programme to encourage participation and empowerment of young people in more disadvantaged areas, launches in Skopje (Macedonia). The end goal is to investigate together with these young people innovative ways towards active participation in democratic processes in Europe.

We were in Skopje, North Macedonia, from the 13th til the 19th of February, to get to know the details and courses of action of the  European Youth at the Frontlines of Active Citizenship A Roadmap towards a collective “South-North-East-West” Momentum programme. It is a project which contributes to a special programme of key action 3 of Erasmus + so that youth participation can include the opinions and proposals of young people to contribute to the implementation and development of government policies. The meeting was attended by representatives form the partner organisations in North Macedonia, Denmark, Romania, Cyprus and Spain.


In these sessions the project was presented to all of its partners and the activities which will  be carried out within the project were explained, which will be carried out over the course of  the year. This meeting kicks off a series of actions which will facilitate the recruitment of young “multipliers” who will be trained and will recieve economic support for youth iniciatives which aim to support the social and economic aspirations of young people.


The youth multipliers will put to the test their ability to affect government policies as much as at European as at a local level, with an increase in democratic participation in their communities. It will be the participants themselves who will choose the purposes that they wish to work for: education and lifelong learning, local community issues, sustainability and the environment, heritage and culture and health and well-being.


The project will include a training course in Macedonia, that for which we are selecting five young people with ideas to develop in the mentioned fields, who will participate in the rest of the activities afterwards: a caravan around 5 European cities, a youth tutoring programme, a conference and participation in local activities and the writing of a final dossier about the project.


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