From 13th till 15st of October 2021, representation from Asociación Mundus, leader of the project ID-PRO Protocols for Inclusion and Diversity, took a part in the 1 day Transnational Project Meeting in RIGA (Latvia), together with partners from Latvia (host), Italy and Scotland.
After an online kick-off meeting, all project partners met in person for the first time. The ID Pro project aims to establish protocols to facilitate the work of educators, youth workers, educational leaders and to support staff, working in mobility projects, both in the framework of the Erasmus+ Program and other international mobility projects.
The objective of the project is to prepare the Guidebook for the development of Inclusive Mobilities with practical information and recommendations regarding inclusive language, communication etc.
During the TPM meeting, project participants were setting up the main structure of the guidebook, dividing the responsibilities, setting up the deadlines, having a brainstorming session regarding the content for the manual. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, partner from ITALY could not attend the meeting in person, but we were working together with a constant online connection that allow us to follow the agenda without any problems.
After the working sessions, participants visited Riga city and integrate, in order to get to know each other better and improve their partnership for a better future collaboration.
The project meeting was really intense and will surely bring a positive impact in the process of preparation and implementation more inclusive international mobilities.