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In January 2022, Mundus representatives participated in the kick-off meeting of the Go4Vocational Skills project in Wroclaw (Poland).

Go4VocationalSkills is a strategic partnership (KA2) funded by the Erasmus+ program, which aims to improve the quality of education in technical schools in Europe by implementing a tool to analyze the skills gap of students studying in vocational schools following professions: construction technician, logistics technician, renewable energy technician.

This first meeting served to lay the foundations for the work of the coming months, for the partners to meet in person and the distribution of tasks. The main result of the project will be a tool for the comprehensive evaluation of the skills of students in the following technical professions: construction, logistics, renewable energies, it will require the development of four main results:

  1. Competency profiles for selected professions and positions
  2. Proficiency tests for the fields of study mentioned above
  3. Computer tool for the automatic evaluation of the level of competences and fulfillment of the Result 1 profiles
  4. Proposed interpretation of proficiency test results along with exemplary development activities (including funding)

The project will also produce numerous non-material results and will open a space for further debate in the field of adapting vocational training to market needs.

You can read more about the project here.
