Erasmus+ KA2 project Work Based Learning- The entrance to professional future is taking some steps further and it will soon get to an end.
The main outputs of the project are out now, ready to help other people and organisations enhancing the opportunities for youngster through working learning experiences. Why don’t you have a look to the reports?
Unemployment is one of the biggest challenges faced by the European youth nowadays, Work Based Learning- The entrance to professional future will work on building up competences of youth workers, on faster cooperation exchanges of knowledge and capacity development, reinforcing synergies between formal and non-formal education and providing youth organizations with guidance and tools.
This Erasmus+ KA2 strategic project in the field of youth aims to create a youth-centred empowerment environment to enable young people to carry out mobilities based on in practical work and thus improve their professional profile and the options for a real and quality job placement.
WBL is a project coordinated by the Bulgarian organization Horizon Pro Consult, and relies on Mundus Association (Spain), Business School PAR (Croatia), Institut of Entrepreneurship Development (Greece), Centre for Social Innovation (Cyprus), Regional Volunteer Centre (Poland), Mine Vaganti NGO (Italy) and CECIS (Romania).
The project started in April last year and, since then, we have carried out a training event in Zaragoza and Sofia, where the VET centers IES Tubalcaín and IES Leonardo de Chabacier had the opportunity to join the exchange of best practices and the consolidation of favourable conditions for the mobility of VET students.
A second partners meeting was carried out in Larissa (Greece), too. And and a lot of local work was performed thanks to the efforts of all the partners involved.
Get to know the project!
Learn more at WBL official website and download the project’s main output right below!
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