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How to make a good CV and Cover Letter?

Once you have found a project you like, to apply for a place, you will almost always have to send us your CV and your Cover Letter for that particular project. Both documents must be written in English or in the language of the country you have chosen to do the project.

These documents will be your introduction letter to the host association or hosting organisation, which will be in charge of the selection process. So don’t forget to write them with your target audience in mind: what would they like to know about you?

The design is up to you, but we recommend using the Europass website which has online templates for both the CV and motivation letter in different languages.

Curriculum Vitae

Cover letter

How to find a place?

The European Voluntary Service is being replaced by the European Union’s new volunteering programme called the European Solidarity Corps. With this new programme, changes have been introduced in the search for available projects. We’ll tell you all about it!

What is the first step in finding an ESC volunteering? Find a project you like. There are several ways to find an available vacancy.


MUNDUS, as an accredited supporting organisation

We facilitate the process and find projects already approved by the EU that are just waiting to find an interested person. Find available projects already published on the website and sign up to the whatsapp mailing list through which we send the new opportunities we publish.

The European Youth Portal

In fact, you can find all the free projects on the European Youth Portal. To do this, you will need to register on the European Solidarity Corps platform.

Instructional video

Once you have been selected for a project, remember that MUNDUS can be your sending organisation, regardless of whether it is a project you have found on our website or through the portal (explained in the link).

Facebook groups

By joining them you will be able to keep up to date with host organisations looking for volunteers for all kinds of projects.

Here is the one we highlight as one of the most active:

ESC Vacancies

Advice from MUNDUS

Don’t just look for one project you like, but several. There are many people like you who are interested in doing CES and sometimes it is difficult to find available projects and to be selected. Don’t desperate, you will find your project in the end.

In case you find a project you like outside the MUNDUS website, please write to the organisation and mention that you already have a sending organisation (MUNDUS Association) and enclose our contact details:

Title: Mundus Association – A World at your Feet

EI-Ref: 2015-1-ES02-KA110


Si las organizaciones de acogida que contactes por tu cuenta no te responden en un par de semanas, es buena idea que les llames y preguntes por la persona que gestiona la acogida de voluntarios del CES para investigar si el proyecto está disponible.

En cuanto te den una respuesta positiva en un proyecto, ponte en contacto con nosotros ( para que preparemos tu documentación y tu aventura SVE.

En el caso de que solicites un proyecto de los que ofrecemos en nuestra web, no tienes que hacer nada de esto, solo adjuntar tu CV+Carta de Motivación y esperar a que te comuniquemos el resultado del proceso de selección. Normalmente, si eres preseleccionado/a te harán una entrevista por Skype antes de dar el sí definitivo para que la organización de acogida y tú os podáis conocer mejor.

Useful resources

Here you will find useful audiovisual resources – some created by our own volunteers – to help you understand what the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) experience is all about and to help you find the right placement for you:

You can also read the testimonies left by many of the volunteers who have participated in a project with Mundus Association over the last few years.